
Marlowe used Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen Lost 240 Pounds and 20 Inches

When did you become unhappy with your weight?
I began to put on weight around age 15 and have spent over 20 years being overweight. It was not until I was put on my 6th medication for health conditions at the age of 39 that I decided I had enough.
What made you decide to lose weight?
I was fed up with the doctor adding more medications to my regimen and I was tired of taking them. The next step was putting me on insulin for diabetes.
What were the most important changes you made to lose weight?
I've been more aware of what I put into my body. Eating real nutrient dense foods has been a game changer. Avoiding fad diets and sticking to a lifestyle change is key.
What was most challenging about losing weight?
People saying it would be something I would never stick to was challenging. Also, not having people around me who were on the same path in the beginning was tough.
How long did it take you to start to see results?
90 days.
How long did it take for you to reach your current weight?
It took about 2.5 years to reach my current weight.
How long have you maintained your weight loss and how do you do it?
marlowe weight loss success before after photosAbout a year now but I'm not done yet. The most important factor for me is to continue and challenge myself to be better. Also, to remember that this is a plan for a lifetime of living healthier and used Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen .
What keeps you motivated to continue your weight loss success?
To see all the people who are making a change in their life to work toward the same goal as myself.
How has your life changed now that you've lost weight?
Losing the weight has made life much easier for me. Getting around is a different ballgame now. My love life is also much better!
Do you have any advice for others who are trying to lose weight?
Make the choice to become a better you for yourself and your loved ones. Find your "Why". Mine was to be around to see my kids and future grandchildren. It's important to make sure I'm able to help my youngest be all that she wants to be.
How did zxtofficial help you reach your weight loss goals?
I'm new to zxtofficial.org and hope to learn more about the site and the fitness information here.Story powed by zxtofficial.org


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check out these easy ways to lose weight fast

Most of us associate weekends with lounging and being a little more lazy than normal, but weekends are actually a prime time to lose weight fast without hitting the gym at all. The weekend tends to be a little more lighthearted, since the stress from the work week has subsided a bit. Even though I work most weekends, I still have a completely different state of mind during the weekend. Weekends are a fun time to do things with friends or family that can actually help you lose weight fast, or just keep you active. If you’re trying to get a little more healthy this year, or just drop a few unnecessary pounds, check out these easy ways to lose weight fast on your weekends. You’ll see most of them can be really fun, and come Sunday evening, you’ll be glad you did these instead of spending it on your sofa!
1. Hiking

Hiking is hands down one of the best, most fun things to do on the weekends that can help you lose weight fast. Hiking is a wonderful activity for a few reasons. First, it is slower paced than brisk walking or running, and you’re out in nature, so it doesn’t feel like you’re making a point to workout. It is a fun activity to do with others that burns major calories in the meantime. You can either just go hiking in a local park, or some nearby mountains or trails. Pack a lunch, make a day of it, and don’t be intimidated. If you’ve never done it, it’s really quite easy. Just make sure you have some water, sunblock and a great walking buddy and go to it for an hour or two. Hiking uses specific muscles that other forms of exercise don’t, plus it can help tone your body much better than running. This leads to great muscle mass and more weight loss.

2. Swimming

During the summer, this is a given, but what about in the winter? Visit a local YMCA or indoor pool and go swimming on the weekends. It might seem strange, but it’s a great way  to burn calories, and gets you doing something active that doesn’t require a gym.

3. Biking

Biking is a great weekend activity to do with someone. I don’t have time to do this during the week, and most people don’t either, but weekends are a great time to take a relaxing little ride on your bike. Go for an hour or two and you’ll burn several hundred calories without even realizing it.

4. Yoga Class

Though I do yoga daily, yoga classes are a luxury for me, since they require time to go, spend time there and then go home. Plus, if I’m going to a yoga class, I want to be able to stay for at least an hour to make it worth it. This makes going to a yoga class a wonderful activity to save for the weekends that can help you lose weight fast. Go on Saturdays or Sundays, or both, and stay for an hour for the best benefits.


Zi Xiu Tang Pollen Capsule ingredients is Barbary wolfberry fruit

Except these extracts, it has several others extract from Rhubarb, Aloe, Cassia, Astrigillis, Polygonum multiflorum, Lotus leaf. Gynostemme, Radish seed, Malt, Mulberry, Hawthorn, Vitamins etc,
Therefore, the ingredients of Zi Xiu Tang Pollen Capsule are very crucial. One of the main ingredients is Barbary wolfberry fruit.
Wolfberry species are deciduous woody perennial plants, growing 1–3 m high. L. chinense is grown in the south of China and tends to be somewhat shorter, while L. barbarum is grown in the north, primarily in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, and tends to be somewhat taller.

Chinese Wolfberries are thought to strengthen the Liver and Kidneys.
In TCM, the berries are used to reinforce the Liver, invigorate the Kidneys and replenish vital essence, or jing.

Wolfberry or goji berry is the common name for the fruit of two very closely related species: Lycium barbarum and L. chinense, two species of boxthorn in the family Solanceae. Other members of this family are potato,
tomato, eggplant, deadly nightshade, chili pepper and tobacco.

Antioxidant Content
Antioxidants are plant compounds, including pigments, vitamins, minerals and other compounds, that counteract cell damage and have been associated with lower risk of chronic diseases. Wolfberries provide a variety of antioxidants, including plant pigments called phenols, polysaccharides, vitamins A and C, beta carotene, lycopene, riboflavin, thiamine, selenium and nicotinic acid.
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The magical effects that natura Bee Pollen Pill

Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen is primarily promoted as a weight loss supplement, or diet pill. It is also called Zi Xiu Tang Beauty Face and Figure.
The magical effects that natura Bee Pollen Pill has can be very beneficial to weight loss.Therefore, the ingredients are very crucial. One of the main ingredients is Chinese yam.
The Chinese yam plant is a climbing vine that supports itself by coiling around the branches of other vegetation. The plant can be 9.75 ft high and 5 ft wide. Chinese yam has heart-shaped leaves and it produces small white flowers which have a cinnamon-like aroma. Small tubers (called tubercles) form in the axials (the angles between the leaves and the stem). These pea-sized tubercles are harvested in the late summer or early fall and are used to propagate the plant.
As a food medicine, Chinese Yam is useful in treating poor appetite and diarrhea. It also treats coughs and wheezing caused by lung Qi and Yin deficiencies.
Chinese Yam is neutral in nature, which allows it to tonify the Qi without causing heat or injuring the Yin.
As a food herb, Chinese Yam is fairly mild and gently tonifies deficiencies over time. When consumed long term, Chinese Yam strengthens the human body and increases vitality.
Chinese Yam is an excellent food ingredient for those who are deficient in Yin while needing to strengthen the Qi.
See a list of soup recipes using Chinese Yam.
A mucilage (starch-protein complex) from the tuber is also considered of potential value. The mucilage of this plant, like that of other plants, may contribute to its treatment of diarrhea, as this substance has binding and anti-irritant action. However, the main active components of dioscorea are steroidal compounds, diosgenin and its variants.To learn more about these services or to join the http://www.zxtofficial.com These make up about 2% of the tubers.


qualities of Authentic Natural Bee Pollen Capsules For Weight Loss

Its use is lauded in several well-known texts and by legendary people. "The Bible, The Talmud, the Torah, the Koran , along with the scrolls of the Orient, the writings of ancient Greece and Rome, the legends of the Russian and Slavic people, even the relatively recent Book of Mormon , all praise the industrious honey bee and her highly nutritious and healing products of the beehive."
Some of the "Fathers of Western Medicine" trusted the healing qualities of Authentic Bee Pollen Capsules ; they often prescribed it to their patients.
My Story
Growing up on the Dutchman'sGold honey farm, natural bee products like pollen, royal jelly and beepropolis have been a part of my life since the day I was born (My mom even put bee pollen in my baby food!).
Growing up this way instilled in me a keen interest in natural health and led me to study this field further after high school at the Institute ofHolistic Nutrition. It was here that I became a Registered Nutritional Consultant.
You may also hear recommendations for using bee pollen for alcoholism, asthma, allergies, health maintenance, or stomach problems, but there is no proof that it helps with these conditions. Before you take any natural product for a health condition, check with your doctor.
Food fit for the Queen!
Beehive foods are superior food sources. Based on its research, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has stated that Natural Bee Pollen Capsules For Weight Loss is the most nutritious food we can eat. It contains every nutrient required to sustain and support life in a pure, raw and unaltered form. Bee products can provide support for almost any ailment or desired health enhancement. One of the real appealing characters of the hive, besides the bees themselves, is bee pollen.